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Time to Get It Done for Rural Victorians

Cause to cease fire - Part 2

Following our previous blog, it’s not just our pathetic native waterbird numbers that Regional Victorians are concerned about.

We have asked repeatedly, what risk assessments or social/economic impact studies have been done regarding unmonitored shooting at the thousands of public lakes, creeks, rivers, reservoirs, wetlands and waterways around the state, often in close proximity to residents.

It appears none.

A real concern is no authority has been able to tell us how many public waterways there are around the state where shooting occurs or where they are. We have been told between 8000-20,000.

Which is it and where are they? How can plans possibly be made to monitor them?”

If Victoria won’t follow the lead of other states in banning duck shooting due to the inherent cruelty of shot gun pellet spray or sustainability of our native waterbird populations, it should do so for public safety and unknown impacts to rural communities socially and economically.

We received a tremendous number of testimonies from around the state, of adverse impact to family, stock and pets, concerns for safety and strong belief duck shooting brings little if any benefit to rural communities.

Thank you to all who shared your stories.

We heard you Victoria.

We hope our Ministers have heard too.

A sample of this data (personal details removed) has been shared with government and also summarised in the below clips.

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