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Is the American gun lobby coming here?

Is the Australian gun lobby copying the American NRA —seemingly disregarding widespread domestic violence and destruction of wildlife?

Click on the picture to see yet another incident in America then read the below. You decide.

It appears gun advocates are campaigning to relax gun laws here, despite there being a mass shooting in America nine out of every ten days.

The Australian gun lobby’s momentary success in Tasmania though proposed Liberal Party changes have been held up because of community backlash.

Now SIFA (Shooting Industry Firearm’s Association) is believed to be pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into getting people elected into Victorian parliament who we assume will support their cause.

If organisations like SIFA have money to burn and concern for community, why don’t they invest in our roads and hospitals?

Recent statistics show a decline in our crime rate, but still gang beatings, robberies, murders, domestic violence incidents and widespread ignoring of regulations aimed at protecting our wildlife. The organizations supposed to supervise regulations cannot ever have a fraction of the resources required. It’s horrifying to think how much more damage would be caused by easier access to weapons.

Is it not of considerable concern there are paid government lobbyists employed by the shooting industry? Or what appears to us to be a conflict of interest of shared executives across SIFA / Game Management Authority, the latter a body meant to be an “independent” regulator and advisor to government?

Arguments by the gun lobby are being presented for increased access to public forests and parks for recreational animal hunters (the minority, who would adversely impact the majority’s ability to enjoy these areas), extended license periods, increased access to repeating firearms and military style weapons, increased access to weapons by children and reduced record keeping requirements.

Moves towards the American style uncontrolled gun use should be strongly resisted if we want to protect our comparatively peaceful way of life.

This is not about farmers who may have a genuine farm need for guns.

This is about common sense.

For now, existing regulations should be enforced and in the coming elections favour should be given to the parties that are aware of these dangers, trying to enforce the National Firearms Agreement and resisting the demands for deregulation.

Which are these parties?

If the gun lobby is working for the Liberal/Nationals/ Shooters and Fishers and against Labor as appears to be the case, perhaps that is an indication.


  • Crime Statistics of Victoria

  • Field and Game Australia “FGA Approach to the Victorian election”





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