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A natural success example - Winton Wetlands.

With visitor numbers over 36,000 last year & school visits increasing,

"Winton Wetlands is developing into a major tourist attraction and environmental regeneration project" seeing visitors and revenue, flowing in to a wetlands area about two hours from Melbourne. Here, they shoot with cameras.

The recently published Winton Wetlands 16/17 Annual Report, reflects an increase in visitors, in line with the global trend of rapid increase in nature tourism.

It outlines how groups have collaborated and " helped protect and enhance our unique landscapes" and "secure ecology of our site for future generations".

Ongoing attractions include everyday nature tourist and school education visitations,

"Art in the Landscape" and working with Yorta Yorta Nation to develop indigenous experiences at the wetland that will create revenue for both parties.

Regional Victorians are excited about the success of Winton Wetlands, knowing that other wetlands around our state are poised to attract the same success.

Victoria is blessed with a diverse range of stunning wetlands home to rare species of birds and over 60,000 years of indigenous culture, some internationally recognised for environmental significance.

This is a real and significant opportunity to partner with Indigenous communities, creating sustainable jobs and growth across rural Victoria.

"I am a pro photographer and i found myself in heaven. Landscapes to die for, art works in the natural environment, sunsets and sun rises equal to any i have experienced. A huge variety of fauna including over 4000 pelicans. Take your time and your camera. Stay locally for at least 2 days and go out there at sunrise and stay for sunset. I promise you will not regret it! 100% highly recommended. " Photographer from ACT

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